The Non-Profit Coach Team is taking an event and webinar break over the summer, so stay tuned for more content, webinars and events in the fall. Have a topic you'd like us to cover? Send your requests and suggestions to communications@thenonprofitcoach.guru.
july 14
executive director quarterly support group
Could you or a colleague use some support as an Executive Director or CEO? This quarterly support program is to give Executive Directors space to share their thoughts, fears, questions and concerns, and to get feedback, support and expertise from other Executive Directors and The Non-Profit Coach team. The theme this session will be growing your team—how do you know when it's time. Bring your leadership—and your need to vent—to this highly interactive space where you'll feel heard and get your questions answered.
Note: This session will not be recorded in order to protect the privacy of the participants and participation will be cut off at 20 individuals. So be sure to reserve your spot today.
Price: FREE
jun 16
summer fundraising level up
Don't let down time pass you by. CEO & Lead Coach Elizabeth J Finlayson will help participants find the answers to these questions:
• Do you know how to get the most out of your fundraising summer?
• Is summer a good time to ask?
• What could you be doing with your Board to level up?
• Are your systems up to speed?
Price: FREE